Lumi by Pampers - Do we really need smart diapers?

Smart Diapers

Are we ready for them?

Lumi was announced as a new product line from Pampers that will enable parents to track their child soil levels through a smart diaper that will be available later this year. My wife and myself watched their announcement, and put some of our thoughts together in a video.

Lasting Thoughts:

  • Cost - How much is this going to cost over traditional diapers? Too much in cost will likely really outpace what many parents can afford these days.

  • The sensor - Is it rechargeable, or need a battery replacement, or one-and-done? How reliable is it going to be?

  • Soil detection - What exactly is wet versus very wet? Bowel movements or just urine that is detected?

  • Any clinical outcomes? - Will this reduce the rates of diaper rash? Could it help detect movement/sleep and potential SIDS complications?